Accordion folding strip system

This accordion folding strip system allows you to partition off part of the working area. It can be installed in a day. The system opens almost entirely, unlike a standard CEPRO system, which requires a double rail system, two strips which overlap each other and can only be halfopened. When the accordion folding strip system is closed, the strips overlap each other and fold to one side of the opening. When the system opens, the strips turn 90 degrees in pairs. At the same time, the whole system slides to one side of the opening. The complete set of strips requires a minimum amount of space so that full use can be made of the opening.
  • Minimum amount of space
  • Easy to operate
  • Flexible in dividing the workspace


NameMeasurementsOrder number
Suspension folding strip systemMinimum width : 130 cm Maximum width : 1.000 cm20.95.95
Strips folding strip systemThickness strips 2 mm. Maximum strip height 350 cm.27.5?.32.10
Strips folding strip systemThickness strips 3 mm. Maximum strip height 250 cm.27.5?.33.10

? = Color Strip
5 = Cepro Orange Transparent , 6 = Cepro Green Transparent, 0 = Cepro Clear, 9 = Cepro Dark Green Non-Transparent, 7 = Cepro Bronze Transparent


Cepro DownloadsCertificate – welding strips – Bronze-CE

Cepro DownloadsCertificate – welding strips- Green-6

Cepro DownloadsCertificate – welding strips- Green-9

Cepro DownloadsCertificate – welding strips – Orange-CE

Technical information

Cepro DownloadsTechnical sheet – welding strips